Every candidate for admission to the grade of Fellow or for transfer from Member to Fellow shall apply and produce evidence acceptable to the Council, that:
(i) He possesses a Degree in Engineering, registrable by Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)
(ii) Has been a corporate member of the institution for at least ten years.
(iii) Has held a position of higher responsibility and has attained prominence in the profession
OR in a very special case
(iv) Has made extra-ordinary contribution to the cause of the institution, as determined by the Council.
Every candidate for election or transfer to the grade of Member shall apply and produce evidence acceptable to the Council, that:
(i.) He possesses a Degree in Engineering, a member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) and is registrable by COREN.
(ii.) He has had at least four years recognized professional experience and has contributed to the Engineering/Safety profession.
Every candidate for election to the grade of Associate Member shall apply and satisfy the Council that:
(i.) He possesses an HND (Higher National Diploma) inengineering or degree in the Sciences,
(ii.) He has had at least 4 years' experience in the practice of Safety/Engineering.
Every candidate for admission into the grade of Affiliate shall be a person who did not study engineering but considered to have made relevant contribution (s) to the field of Engineering and its allied specialization.
(i) Every candidate for Graduate Member shall apply and produce evidence to the satisfaction of the Council that:
(a.) He possesses a degree in Engineering or its equivalent recognized by the Institution and registrable by COREN.
(b) Having been a student member of the Institution is an added advantage.
(ii) Every candidate for election to the grade of Graduate Member shall produce evidence to the satisfaction of the Council that:
(a.) He possesses a degree in Engineering or its equivalent recognized by the Institution and registrable by COREN,
(b) he must have been a graduate of Engineering for at least 1 year
Every candidate for election to the grade of Student Member shall be a bonafide-matriculated student of Engineering of a university, polytechnic or any higher institution or its equivalent recognized by the Institution.
Every candidate for election to the grade of Corporate Firm Member shall be a registered company or organization recognized under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria whose ordinary course of business is concerned with or promotes the development of the Engineering Profession or the Institution and which has achieved prominence in such manner as prescribed.